On public transit

When I’m on public transportation or walking through a transit hub, I am entrenched in the life of the city, the flow or the stoppage, the anxiety, watchfulness, boredom, and restlessness of what seems to be, well, everyone.

Two people on the NY subway with interlocked hands and legs

Public transportation is interesting. Full of new information, most of it conveyed visually, in clothing (shoes!), in the way a pair or a group mingle or huddle. It’s where I see how fashions and attitudes are aired and exchanged, however silently in the quick and discreet body language of strangers who come together in a train car or on a bus or a boat only briefly, strangers whose combined presence makes up the tenor of the city.

I always take pictures when I’m out and I take a lot of them on public transit. The photos below are an essay of travels around the city – only one of them is from New Haven. A lot of them are from the Staten Island Ferry, which begins and ends my trips into the city. Others are from buses, subways and subway stations.

Man staring into the fog of New York Bay from the upper deck of the Staten Island Ferry
A view from a window in the St. George Ferry Temrinal building, looking out to docked ferries.

Passengers and loiterers, the architecture of public transit, the social atmosphere of buses, trains and boats.

People waiting to get off the Staten Island Ferry.
Photos from NYC public transit - people
It takes two, baby.

I have a thousand photos that help me understand these places. Here are just a few of them.

Subway dancer doing a flip in the middle of the train car


Image at top of page shows two young men aboard the Staten Island Ferry. Summertime, sun, sea, an open window, and a smooth ride across New York Bay. All free of charge.